Cooking duel from 03/09/2024



Menu price:

False hare (meatloaf) with mashed potatoes and carrot vegetables / parfait (requested by Anke)

Mandy, Mike, Peter und Dani

43,16 €

Fruit and vegetables

  • potatoes
  • carrots
  • soup greens
  • 1 orange
  • strawberries

Fish and meat

  • minced meat mixed

Been different

  • eggs
  • whipped cream
  • breadcrumbs
  • vanilla paste
  • dark chocolate

False hare (meatloaf) with mashed potatoes and carrot vegetables

Soak the breadcrumbs in a little milk. Finely chop an onion and three cloves of garlic and add to the mixture. Season the mixture with plenty of salt, pepper, gyros spice, turmeric, ground caraway and marjoram.

Then add the minced meat, the egg whites (from the separated eggs – parfait) and knead everything together. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and press indentations into the mixture (should be for the eggs). Cook the “fake hare” in the oven at 180°C for approx. 1 hour. Shortly before the end of the cooking time, add breadcrumbs to the meatloaf and brown using the grill function.
Unfortunately, the indentations didn’t work out. We then boiled the eggs and served them separately.

For the sauce, chop the soup vegetables and an onion. Fry everything in a little bit of oil. Add 1 tablespoon of tomato purée and sauté. Then pour in water, season with salt, pepper, gyros spice and marjoram and cook for approx. 1 hour. Remove most of the vegetables. Chop the remaining vegetables with a hand blender. Season the sauce again and thicken with a little cornflour.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Cook the potato pieces in salted water, pour off the water and mash with warm milk and butter to a puree. Season with salt and nutmeg.

Peel and slice the carrots. Fry the carrot slices in butter and season with salt, pepper, sugar and a little ginger. Add the herbs just before the end of cooking.

Place the mashed potatoes, carrot slices and sauce on a plate. Place a slice of “fake hare” on top of the sauce and arrange the halved eggs next to it.

Parfait (vanilla and chocolate)

Whip the cream until stiff. Separate the eggs and beat the egg yolks with the powdered sugar over a bain-marie until frothy. Then divide the mixture.

Add a little vanilla paste to one half of the mixture and stir together. Then fold in half of the stiffly whipped cream. Pour the parfait mixture into a loaf tin lined with cling film.

For the chocolate parfait, melt the dark chocolate over a pan of water, add to the other half of the parfait mixture and stir together. Fold in the rest of the whipped cream and also pour into a loaf tin lined with cling film.

Place both parfaits in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Melt the remaining chocolate (bain-marie) and dip half of the strawberries in it and place on baking paper (to cool). Fillet the orange.

Puree the remaining strawberries and orange pieces and season with a dash of rum. Spread the remaining chocolate thinly on baking paper and leave to cool.

Spoon the fruit puree onto a plate. Arrange a slice of parfait, a chocolate strawberry and an orange fillet on the plate. Add a piece of the thin chocolate.

Add a good dash of Williams pear brandy to the remaining fruit puree. Place the fruit mixture in a small glass and serve with the parfait plate.

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